showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Frogger ??This is an older (probably official) version of Frogger for ST. labelminimizeminimize
Fun School 2 for 6-8 year olds Database Educational Software1989 labelimageminimize
9 Lives  ARC (Frames)1990 labelimageminimize
Revenge of the Mutant Camels Llamasoft1991Really imaginative crazy quality game. Shoot 'em up with a difference in more ways than one. Played by many for hours, around the time 286's first came out and written by Geoff Minter (Jeff Minter).
He had another gem called Llamatron ...really hectic stuff.
Frogger Black Art Games2016 labelminimizeminimize
Iceblox Plus Eweguo2018 labelminimizeminimize